Wednesday, September 28, 2022

His Knock Will Come

He knows what you have done from the moment your heart commits to it. 

His knock at your door will come.

The one who thought she could trick him, you saw him drag her to judgement.

We gathered in the square to hear her wailing, to see her suffering, to receive his blessing.

You thought she was the cleverest, bravest one and believed she would escape him. 

Now you know better.

Under his shadow, you feel his fathomless eyes on you.

Despite all this, you still test his limits. When the moon is black, you tiptoe to the gate.

But I have been watching you from the beginning.

Lost and Disappearing

I got off at the wrong stop and soon was lost in a maze of crooked streets.

As dusk narrowed to night, I heard a cry behind a vacant building. 

There, I found a small girl who said she was being chased and begged for protection.

She told me a man who could make people disappear with a touch and a whisper was after her.

I scanned the structures dark husks and told her we would walk to the distant lights.

Was that man really following us? 

Could I hear his clicking heels and his rasping whisper behind us? 

Were his fingers in fact reaching for us?

As I looked back again, the girls hand slipped away. 

She had disappeared.