As children, we would go into the woods
to learn secrets from the little man who lived in the red tree’s roots.
I wanted to know, so I did as the others instructed.
I knocked on the root knob and asked the secret
of love.
Soon, I saw a dark shape shifting under the roots.
The little man spoke: “I’ll tell you your true love’s name.”
I’d never thought to fear the little man until then.
But his buzzing voice revealed a hideous truth.
I wanted to betray my peers, to run and tell our parents of this horror.
That’s when I felt his
fingers grab me.
Despite my thrashing,
the fingers of the pink limbs reaching up from between the roots pinned
me fast.
“Faith is your true love’s name,” the little man said.
“She led you here, my son. Now join my other children.”